Tag Archives: 2019resolution

Da Resolution!

As it is the last day of 2018 I believe it’s time to reflect, and glance at the future. I know it’s quite the cliché to look back on your year and to also start planning ahead but guess what- it’s what big companies and CEOs do.  I am still trying to implement corporate strategies into my life so a balance-sheet is something, you bet, I would do.

What happened in 2018:

To begin with, 2018 was not an easy year for “V Ltd.”. It started with great losses and we had to take immediate action to save our goods. We had invested a lot in our partners and in our goals both in financial and emotional aspect which led to bankruptcy; but we realized a big part of having a business is taking risks. I suppose our greatest lesson for 2018 was how to take preventive measures and how to start valuing ourselves as individual business- unique and expensive. It was not easy but we found purpose and a pretty great morale and during Q4 we were back on the top with many new ideas and goals.

In other words last year January and February…ok, March as well, were very difficult months for me. I was rejected from the Academy of Film and Theater and had to deal with losses on a personal level. I had a completely new job at PMI, which I did not understand much about. I was suddenly managing a big office and being alone behind that big reception the days before New Year’s made me take immediate action to survive.  I spent very little time in spite surprisingly. I did not think about all those people who took away a piece of me, imagining how they celebrated new beginnings sweetly, while I was the loneliest person in the world. Instead, I got a book; I made some green tea and enjoyed myself in the quiet space of the empty office where I realized many things were happening. Needless to say, I had googled Philip Morris’s history like a hungry beast and found out things weren’t always so bright for the company. It had experienced losses but here it was now, launching new products and developing itself both externally and internally and I was allowed to take part in that brilliant world of corporate affairs. I mean, what was not to love: I had a chance to wear smart clothes every day, which is always a treat for me. I got to learn about something I did not understand (ended up being great at it). There were many hot guys in suits. My reception was next to the coffee break area (jugs of good quality coffee were a hand away every day). I had an amazing diva boss. I had direct communication with the CEO. I would have to be really stupid to think of anyone else but myself. In time, I got more and more curious about the strategies this company applied and one day I decided to apply those same strategies into my personal life. By April I already had made a plan and have started looking for ways to increase my chances at executing my dream.

During Q3 my company experienced tremendous preparation for its product release under the watchful eye of a great mentor and an exquisite CEO of another company, a.k.a Mickey.  I have never felt so happy being on my own- I felt freedom, sense of purpose and I could be myself without worrying if I am enough for someone else. It was time I devoted solely on my corporation and in time that sense of selfishness became my source of development.

By the time we reached Q4, we had already checked off some of the goals we had planned at the beginning of the year. All of our employees were happy and so were the partners who had invested in us. We finally reached a steady level of functionality.


The new agenda:

The new agenda is to upgrade the company’s product, so we will be focusing mainly on that. Furthermore, we have few major projects which we are currently trying to make schedules and deadlines for, using; you guessed it- GANT and PERT charts!

I like the day of New Year’s more than I like my own birthday. New Year’s Eve (as well as the beginning of a school year) has always brought joy to my heart as to me it means I can start over and I will probably learn many new things in the process. Also… I like fireworks a lot.

Development, inner strength, learning and lots and lots of cash flow is something I will make sure to be wishing for while I count off the last seconds of 2018. I am also hoping to receive and be able to give love. I will keep something in mind though and I hope you will as well: the execution of each wish we make, is entirely up to us. Here, a quote that seals the deal:


Happy New Year! Stay positive, happy and a bit aloof! 🎇