Tag Archives: dreamer

Why is believing in the impossible so important…

I have always been a firm believer in the impossible. I guess that’s one thing from my childhood that I preserved. Ah, childhood, that crazy fantasy we all lived in when we were kids…

My playground as a kid

I personally believed anything was possible, including my dolls coming to live. Every time before dinner I used to try to lure my dolls into exposing themselves by placing candied pumpkin in their small plates. The thought of the moment I would go back to my Barbie and find her plate empty would consume my mind throughout dinner.  I could play with everything and believe in its truth with my whole being. I remember this huge cotton carpet in kindergarten which was actually the stairs that lead to my kingdom. All the kids were placed in the center, playing with toys but little did they know they were actually my subjects which I carefully observed from the outskirts of the carpet. Sometimes, I would climb the top of the slides outside and pretend to control the wind with my mind. I can’t even begin to explain the feeling of receiving my first bow which my dad made from wood and fishing cord. Thanks to me the house was free from demon presence since my bow had purifying arrows…naturally.  I haven’t changed much since then I guess. I still try to control the wind and open elevator doors with the force. And, I have a professional long bow now. I still believe in impossible things. Life is still interesting. I wish we could hold on to our early- age selves for a bit longer. You might think that’s useless and strange and you are probably right for yourself but that ability has kept me going and helps me do my job as an actor well.

While to some pretending and believing in things is a waste of time it’s actually something that is building a mindset- the mindset of repetition. You have no idea how much pumpkin went to waste because of my tries to lure out some lifeless colored plastic but within that exercises was build discipline to repeat the same thing every night until actually getting results. For instance, throughout my dream to become an actress, especially in high school, many of my friends would try to convince me becoming an actress was unlikely. Some walked the path and stopped amid because they tried 10 times and things didn’t work out but I am still in the fight because of my mindset to repeat. It’s like playing a game: you don’t die and click “escape”; you start over and keep playing! In time you build skills and within that game you become the master because you’ve killed the boss from level 1 too many times- he’s got nothing on you anymore…it’s all the same.

As charming as my analogy is though I am aware things may become extremely difficult and painful at some point in following one’s dream and nothing is as simple as I am making it out to be. But, the point is that if you believe in something and you know within yourself that that’s the right thing for you- be it a profession or a person- then you should not let go. Remember good things cost more. It’s that exact mindset that I mentioned that will always lift you up when you need it. It will make circumstances lift you up not bring you down; use everything to your advantage.  Let me give you another example which I hope will help me conclude my point.  During the premier of Don Quixote, the actor who plays Sancho Panza taught me an acting/life lesson. One of the scenes had waiters bring golden plates with food to the table where Don Quixote and Sancho Panza were dining with a princess. Unfortunately one of the boys dropped the plate on the floor. Many actors would have ignored that moment since the boy just picked up the plate and left it back on the table. The actor of Sancho Panza was so much into character that he was living in that world thus the plate dropping didn’t go unnoticed. He kneeled down where the plate fell and started picking up imaginary food, saying: “What? It’s still good to eat…” Nobody noticed there was a failure in the scene. The audience started to believe the play even more since the actors believed in it and used any opportunity to prove it.

-The end.



And, don’t forget to have fun in your game. Be unique and overlook some of the rules- just as my Diablo Amazon Pallas Athena was the only one holding a hammar…

Merry Christmas! Keep believing! 🙂